We invite you to take a part in a unique initiative project: the publication of the Torah in various languages. The goal of this project is to enable people of all nationalities to gain a true understanding of the Torah that G-d gave the Jewish people.

Your donation to Project Saadia Gaon will enable us to publish Rabbi Saadia Gaaon’s precise Torah commentary into English and other languages. This being a means of fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy of the end of days: “For the land shall be full of knowledge of the Lord as water covers the sea bed.” (Isaiah 11:9)

May the merit of your contribution to the publication of this holy work stand you and your family in good stead and may you all be provided for all of your needs.


Today 1/11/2018 We started working on the Second Edition of the book.

We currently started working on the version in Hebrew and English 

We would love to have any amount to support our unique project.

Best Regards.