
Letter from the president of israel regarding our book

The president of Israel has selected our book to be a part of the library at the President’s Residence. The Jewish bible is now accessible to Arabic-speaking leaders and rulers.

Reuven Rivlin as the president of Israel(Avi Ohayon, Government Press Office Israel)

The president’s letter as translated into English⇓⇓⇓

Dear Project Saadya Gaon

To the esteemed Shneur

I wish to convey my thanks for receiving the new rendition of the Torah into Arabic as translated and decoded by your father, Rabbi Yom Tov Hkohen, from the writings of Rabbi Saadya Gaon.

Download the letter from the President

My father, Yosef Yoel Rivlin ob”m, labored over the translation of the Koran from Arabic to Hebrew. My father’s cultural activities stemmed from his perspective of the Jews and Arabs as two related nations with one father. Due to the common bond between the nations, my father felt it to be the mutual obligation of each nation to familiarize itself with each other’s culture. Acquainting ourselves with each other’s unique heritage, values and culture is our joint responsibility.

Your father, like my father, expended tremendous effort to make the cornerstones of our Jewish religion accessible to all. With his precise translation into Arabic he has made this most constitutive work of Jewish tradition and value accessible to so many others. A look at your father’s illuminating translation shows that he invested much effort and work so as to remain loyal to the preciseness of Rabbi Saadya Gaon’s original language.

Please convey my blessings to your father for this important book. I wish him many more years of continued activity done with good health, happiness, and joy from the extended family.

With blessings for success,

Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin

“رسالة ترحيب رئيس دولة يسرائيل بكتابنا”

The president of Israel has selected our book to be a part of the library at the President’s Residence. The Jewish bible is now accessible to Arabic-speaking leaders and rulers.

Reuven Rivlin as the president of Israel(Avi Ohayon, Government Press Office Israel)

The president’s letter as translated into English⇓⇓⇓

Dear Project Saadya Gaon

To the esteemed Shneur

I wish to convey my thanks for receiving the new rendition of the Torah into Arabic as translated and decoded by your father, Rabbi Yom Tov Hkohen, from the writings of Rabbi Saadya Gaon.

Download the letter from the President

My father, Yosef Yoel Rivlin ob”m, labored over the translation of the Koran from Arabic to Hebrew. My father’s cultural activities stemmed from his perspective of the Jews and Arabs as two related nations with one father. Due to the common bond between the nations, my father felt it to be the mutual obligation of each nation to familiarize itself with each other’s culture. Acquainting ourselves with each other’s unique heritage, values and culture is our joint responsibility.

Your father, like my father, expended tremendous effort to make the cornerstones of our Jewish religion accessible to all. With his precise translation into Arabic he has made this most constitutive work of Jewish tradition and value accessible to so many others. A look at your father’s illuminating translation shows that he invested much effort and work so as to remain loyal to the preciseness of Rabbi Saadya Gaon’s original language.

Please convey my blessings to your father for this important book. I wish him many more years of continued activity done with good health, happiness, and joy from the extended family.

With blessings for success,

Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin

Letter from the president of israel regarding our book

The president of Israel has selected our book to be a part of the library at the President’s Residence. The Jewish bible is now accessible to Arabic-speaking leaders and rulers.

Reuven Rivlin as the president of Israel(Avi Ohayon, Government Press Office Israel)

The president’s letter as translated into English⇓⇓⇓

Dear Project Saadya Gaon

To the esteemed Shneur

I wish to convey my thanks for receiving the new rendition of the Torah into Arabic as translated and decoded by your father, Rabbi Yom Tov Hkohen, from the writings of Rabbi Saadya Gaon.

Download the letter from the President

My father, Yosef Yoel Rivlin ob”m, labored over the translation of the Koran from Arabic to Hebrew. My father’s cultural activities stemmed from his perspective of the Jews and Arabs as two related nations with one father. Due to the common bond between the nations, my father felt it to be the mutual obligation of each nation to familiarize itself with each other’s culture. Acquainting ourselves with each other’s unique heritage, values and culture is our joint responsibility.

Your father, like my father, expended tremendous effort to make the cornerstones of our Jewish religion accessible to all. With his precise translation into Arabic he has made this most constitutive work of Jewish tradition and value accessible to so many others. A look at your father’s illuminating translation shows that he invested much effort and work so as to remain loyal to the preciseness of Rabbi Saadya Gaon’s original language.

Please convey my blessings to your father for this important book. I wish him many more years of continued activity done with good health, happiness, and joy from the extended family.

With blessings for success,

Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin

رسالة ترحيب رئيس دولة يسرائيل بكتابنا

لقد اختار رئيس دولة يسرائيل لكتابنا أن يكون جزءا من المكتبة الرئاسية, فمن الآن فصاعدا ستكون التوراة في متناول يد قادة الدول الناطقة باللغة العربية

Reuven Rivlin as the president of Israel(Avi Ohayon, Government Press Office Israel)

فيما يلي مضمون الرسالة من رئيس الدولة، مترجمة الى اللغة العربية.⇓

الى: مشروع سعاديا غاؤون

لقد تلقيت منكم بالشكر والترحيب الطبعة المُنوَّرة والمُجَدَّدة لتفسير التوراة باللغة العربية، كما فك شِفرَتها وأنجزها حضرة أبوك ،الحاخا يومطوف هكوهين، بتحقيقه من خلال عمله الدؤوب على بحث مخطوطات الحاخام سعاديا غاؤون بن يوسف الفيومي.

تحميل ترجمة رسالة من الرئيس

لقد حرص كثيرا ابي، البروفيسور يوئيل يوسيف ريفلين المرحوم، على ترجمة القرآن الى اللغة العبرية. لقد نبع مشروعه الحضاري من رؤيته التي تعتبرا كلنا، يهودا وعربا ، شعبين قريبين، أبناء أب واحد، وبالتالي يجب على كل منا أن يتعلم ويتعرف على حضارة الجانب الآخر. علينا أن نعزز التعارف المتبادل بيننا، خصوصا فيما يتعلق بالإرث والقيم والمفاهيم الحضاريّة الخاصة بكل جانب.

وهكذا، مثلما أبي، حرص حضرة أبوك ،حاخام يومطوف هكوهين من خلال مشروع حياته، على جعل مفاهيم الديانة اليهودية في متناول يد الكثيرين. بفضل عمله الدقيق قام بتبليغ مغزى النص الأكثر أهمية للتراث اليهودي، الى الكثيرين.

أن مطالعة هذا الكتاب تفيد بأنه نتيجة عمل دؤوب ومحاولة حثيثة من اجل الحفاظ على التفسير بصورة دقيقة وأمينة  للُّغة الأصلية التي كتبها سعديا غاؤون.

أرجوك أن تُسلّم أباك تهنئاتي الحارّة على إنجازه هذا الكتابالهام، وأتمنى الله أن يمنحه البقاء لسنوات طويلة بصحة وهَناء وكذلك لكل عائلتكم المباركة.

 أتمنى لكم النجاح والتوفيق، ريؤوفين (روبي) ريفلين